Following the execution of our comrades Bahoz Sine (Habibullah Gulparipur) and Reza Mamadi by the Islamic Republic of Iran and despite wide public protests of our nation all over the Kurdistan against the oppression and military attacks of Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian regime has increased its attacks against Kurdish nation and our guerillas. In this regard, on Wednesday 30th, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards started their military operation against our guerillas around the Mola Hasan village and Boztape military base in the city of Mako, which as a result of regime’s aggressive military attacks; a clash has been occurred between Revolutionary Guards and our guerillas. As a result of these clashes, five members of Iranian Revolutionary Guards have been killed and several others wounded. During this clash our guerillas had no casualties. After the clash the regime forces with the help of heavy artillery, vengefully bombarded the clash area which resulted in damaging the gardens and farms of villagers.

General Command of Eastern Kurdistan Forces – HRK