Name and surname: Naser Alizadeh
Place and date of birth: Kotoll 1991
Mother name: Gullan
Father name: Ali
The place and date of joining: Sheno 2019
Place and the date of being martyred: 26/01/2021
YRK Announced the Identity of a Martyred Companion.
East Kurdistan Preservation Units (YRK) announced the identity of a martyred Companion:
In Rebandan month (20 Jan-18 Feb) our companion Hamza Rojhellat, while on his struggling duty due to an event united the path procession of martyrs listing. Initially, we condole with the families of the martyrs and to all the patriotic people.
The companion (Hamza) was born into a patriotic family in a patriotic region of Kotoll. Since his childhood in his family had grown with the revolution struggling alphabetical.
The companion Hamza Rojhellat, joined the guerrilla path as an Eastern youth with a patriotic and loyal spirit. In his revolutionary life, he was known among the companions as a valiant and brave figure.
With the spirit, enthusiasm and excitement of young blood, any revolutionary task he would undertake, was successfully carried out as an illustration of altruism and companionship among his comrades.
The untimely martyrdom of companion Hamza created a wound in the hearts of his comrades.
We as reaffirm our expression and pledge to all the martyrs as elaborators of the struggling that we will continue on the path of martyrdom until our last breath and dropped blood for the freedom of our country and the vengeance of our martyrs.
With revolutionary regards
The Announcement of YRK