The global system is confronted with many crises with the structural crises on the top, so it is restructuring itself in a way that would meet its vested interests. Undoubtedly in line with the restructuring, the region where the global system has encountered a more problems than other regions is the Middle East. In the new intervention for the construction of the new world order, the global system was faced with the nation-state obstacle which was designed by itself. In this intervention, the Middle Eastern states are either doomed to drown in the crisis or integrate in the global system. Due to the lack of consideration of indigenous culture of the Middle East by the intervening forces, the plans of the global system have not yet been successful. For that reason, the global system is looking for short-term and tactical allies to pass over the crisis. The system’s recent policies are to put pressure on the regional governments to forcing them into negotiation with the Western interests instead of direct military intervention which is a change in the approach to circumvent the current crisis. In this way with granting instrumental role to the regional governments the global system wants to implement their policies without direct confrontation.

The Islamic Republic of Iran also, not only impermeable from the changes but constitutes the major axis for intervention in the Middle East of the global system. Owing to this, the Iranian regime is forced to adapt the new conditions in the region. The Rouhani’s recent approaches whether in the arena of foreign policy which was a sort of compromise with the world powers or in domestic sphere which promised political opening indicates this compromise.

In foreign policy arena, however the Iran’s approaches could be some sort of relief in the short term but in the long run, given that there is no strategic tie, policies adopted by Iran would result in a deep crisis impossible to get rid of in the near future. Iran’s hopes to the recent meeting in Geneva or changes from other sides will not only solve the problems but considering that this meetings is a type of interests-sharing by the international powers and Iran is also part of the benefits, so Iran will not be able to escape the shared interests of these powers.

In domestic policy sphere, the reforms promised by “Government of Prudence and Hope” have not crossed the border of talks. While the Rouhani’s administration spoke of the fundamental change and criticized the previous government it has not been able to transcend from that state mentality; a mentality unable to pass over the issues such as majority-minority, centre-margin and superior-inferior, division of nations to civilized and uncivilized. This attitude is far from finding a solution to the problems while these concepts are inherited from the classic colonialism and the western countries under the pretext of civilizing the societies.

There is no doubt that the adoption of tactical approaches consistent with daily ephemeral political conditions will not solve the current crises plaguing both domestic and foreign arenas. Institutionalization of democratic mentality and participation of all nations in their fate will stabilize the Iranian regime. Solution to the political, social, cultural and economic problems of Iran will be possible only through radical democracy, and the self-rule of all nations under the umbrella of the democratic Iran will be the political formula for this democratization which no one should be afraid. By adopting this approach only, Iran would survive the risk of attachment to the system or being caught by the crisis.


Coordination of Free Life Party of Kurdistan – PJAK